Friday, June 3, 2011

Dance is Sex

To try and keep this month from drying up too fast, here comes another... yes, youfuckingtube video provided by the biggest yt whore of them all.  I can't really take credit for finding this sexy, bouncing, club tune; that credit goes to John (see his one and only post). 

This song, as the title likely translates to talk about (little help from the linguists out there?), is about dancing away the numbness into a sort of good pain to indicate to your heart and soul you still exist.  And you exist in motion.  For what it's worth, dance is basically appropriate-for-public sex (well most of the time).  You spend all day trying not to bump into people on trains, in your car, in elevators, at work, and waiting in lines; we all have our personal space in this western Thoreau-gone-luxury-SUV society and the general public is pretty damn uptight about rubbing elbows and anything else.  So when the paranoid and bedraggled masses exit these guarded spaces and enter a dance floor, what you get is physical contact, unguarded, rhythmic, and freeIf dancing and sex do anything it gets us back in touch with our flesh, our time/money/society/politic walls melt and we find ourselves animals again.  This video is a portrait of the everyday struggle with those two aspects of our living.


  1. Haha, I don't think you can find non-uptight dancing in Arlington. You know what I love about Hispanic and Mediterranean cultures? How they are not uptight about touching and kissing or whatever. What the hell is with people being uptight about that stuff? Doesn't feel natural to me.

  2. yep, gotta spice it up with less up-tight dancing


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