Friday, June 24, 2011

The Movie Always Ends With Me Crying On The Docks

I'm 26 years old and I have never had a boyfriend.

Ever since I was a little girl I have dreamed of and wanted to fall in love. I come from a big family with lots of children and I always pictured myself married with at least 4. And even though time passed me by and I never had a teenage romance or even ones in college that materialized into anything (I graduated a virgin despite having dated a couple of guys casually there was only one I considered sleeping with and he handily screwed that up) I never gave up hope. I just kept telling myself I hadn't met the right person, or maybe I just needed to put myself out there more or I had a lot of growing up to do...just anything to explain why no one had picked me.

Pick me. That's all I really wanted I realized. And as the years continued to roll by I started wondering if there wasn't anything wrong with me? I'd been so supremely confident all of my life that I was amazing, even in my uglier teenage phases (I'd love to burn all of those pictures from back then now) and after a while I started to doubt myself and think perhaps I wasn't amazing. Why didn't men want me for their girlfriend?

I can honestly say I am a smart, goofy, nerdy straight forward, honest and kind person. My main flaws are probably that I'm pretty blunt and opinionated at times but that factors into my honesty. I'm not close minded, I love to try new things and I have a lot of spirit and spunk. I don't think I'm perfect by any means but I'm pretty damn awesome. And I would say I'm moderately attractive anyway. I have seen people less attractive than I am in relationships. I have friends who are complete bitches who have boyfriends, the simpering type but nonetheless they are loved.

I see all of this and wonder, why NOT me? After one disastrous half romance after the other I thought perhaps it was simply the men I was attracting? Most of them looked at me as a conquest or proof that they could have me I was told by other men who were their friends. People saw me as intimidating and the only men brave enough to approach me were lotharios. So finally I decided well I simply would have to approach someone myself if they weren't getting the signals. Maybe I needed to be more proactive in the choosing.

And so I did. After hanging out with various people I met someone who I developed a crush on. And I do not crush easily. This was the first time I'd felt this way about someone in 3 years. It got to the point where I couldn't even go where he was going to be unless I looked absolutely amazing. I would come home and lay in my bed with the stupidest grin on my face and imagine where we would go and what we would do...if only he would ask me for my phone number? And he seemed at least mildly interested but I was terrified of being rejected. I'd never asked a guy for his phone number before. And he was of a different racial background. What if he didn't like women of my racial background? The doubts swirled in me and weighed me down but finally I got brave enough and I did it.

And he asked me on a date. And we went out. Week after week on one enchanting date after the next. I was scared to really get into it because I was like this never happens to me. Ever. I never get to be happy. Surely he'll tell me he has a girlfriend, or he's actually gay, or he finally got his vision corrected and he thought I was someone else. All of my doubts were based on the past disasters. I was WAITING for a disaster to come and ruin this but after a whole month it didn't and one night we had so much fun together he stayed the night and we didn't even have sex we spent a lot of it talking and just laying in bed and half the morning in bed and all he could talk about is how he felt so incredibly lucky to even just be in the bed with someone as beautiful as I was. And he stayed there staring at me, playing in my hair, laying on my legs talking about how beautiful they were...I felt so wonderful to even be fussed over and he didn't let go of my hands until the last second he walked out of the door and he got far enough away that he was no longer in my reach.

Then I decided it was okay to have feelings. And I did. And a couple weeks later we agreed to only be dating each other and we consumated the relationship. And then it all went down hill from there.

I'm really not sure why. I'll never be sure I guess. I tried to figure out what was going on or what happened. We did go out a couple of times after that and he seemed perfectly fine on the dates, even more enamored but the times in between were strained with silence. The text messages about how wonderful I was stopped. My feelings were slowly getting crushed but I refused to play games, become petty or hate him. I told him I wanted to talk more. He seemed enthusiastic. So I called him and he would always answer but he seemed pretty uncomfortable on the phone. As things began to deteoriate I asked if we could maybe meet up face to face (my intentions were to ask if he wanted to continue seeing me but I framed the invitation as a date). He said sure and he would call me back and tell me when. He never did call me back and after that he acted like he practically didn't know me when he would see me. Finally I realized my efforts were pointless. I was trying to save something that the other person wasn't interested in. And I couldn't figure out why.

I felt like an idiot. Why did I even believe this was going to turn into something? Because he seemed like he was falling for me? I rented the Little Mermaid recently. It was my favorite movie as a girl. I'd ask my dad to rent it every time he went to the video store no matter what happened to be out. The last time I watched it my friend made fun of me because I cried, but now a days I always get really sad at the part where Ariel gets left on the docks crying while Prince Eric sails away with Ursula to get married. I know Ariel will get Eric in the end, but for me I feel like the movie ALWAYS stops there. That's the end.

I wasn't in love with this boy but I really felt like I showed him the very best of me and he just left without any explanation. He just checked out. And I was such a fool to believe anything good could happen to me romantically. I almost felt like once things started going well I should have taken off in the other direction because good things don't happen to me in love. They just...don't.

Lastly I lost respect for him. I just feel like at the age we're at people should be able to express why they don't want to see you anymore. I never did anything negative to him nor did I do anything to not deserve a respectful bowing out. I was always honest with him and I really stepped up and out in this situation only to be left wondering why I wasn't good enough?

Deep down inside I know I haven't lost faith that I'll ever fall in love but it's hard to find reasons to justify why it will happen anymore. And some people don't ever fall in love or get married. I don't want to be one of those people. I can't even look to getting married yet. All I want is to have one wonderful relationship in my lifetime. That's it. I'll never be sure why that's so much to ask for someone like me who is really a great person when so many other people experience it all the time sometimes a couple of relationships a year.

One time where it doesn't end with me crying on the docks with the sun about to set on the 3rd day. Is that truly so much to ask?


  1. This is brilliant. You capture the feeling of having your heart broken, the disillusionment and self-doubt, so well. Great writing style. I would agree with you that you are perhaps hard to approach for the kind of nice guy you are looking for, since I know you are a good-looking and very well-dressed girl. At least speaking for myself, I find that type very hard to approach because I think, "No way would she ever go for me. She probably has a billion other better guys who've already gone after her and she's with now." So I think you should keep up your plan of approaching other guys that you like, since even though this guy didn't work out, you at least got some dates out of it, and you have to just use the viewpoint that that's better than nothing.

    I hate whenever I think in terms of "the years rolling by"--it can be depressing. I see all those around me who date a lot and are romantically/sexually confident then wonder why I'm different. I don't think I'm bad looking, but sometimes I just feel like I'm lacking SOMETHING, ya know?

    My guess with him is that he probably did find another girl or something came up, and I guess he didn't have the courage to just tell you straightforwardly. I don't think that means you can NEVER find out the answer, though. I'm sure as time passes as you guys move on you could always go back and ask him if you really want validation.

    You say you didn't love this guy. I'm curious--have you ever been in love?

    And lastly, thank you for the movie tie-in. I haven't seen that movie in forever, although I really need to again. Bethany just posted a clip from Annie Hall on my wall, so this post made me want to come up with my own movie clip that reminds me of the melancholy sense of romantic longing and loss that is in my heart. The ending of Annie Hall perfectly expresses that sad feeling that we almost always inevitably end up with, yet we still end up going looking for love again:

    Thanks for posting!

  2. Oh, Alexis. It will happen. It will happen. Just don't close your heart, and I know how hard it is not to do exactly that.

    It will happen.

    Love, Francisca (I really couldn't come up with a better name...)

  3. You could always just use your real name..... And the same goes for you "Francisca/Francesca."

  4. I guess I should say reciprocal love. I was in love with the first guy I slept with but I never told him. He told me he loved me a few times but I didn't believe him, since you know he had a couple of girlfriends that I found out about.

    And at this moment I don't really care about the answer enough to ask. No matter what it was what's hurts the most is that he didn't respect me enough to tell me. I don't hate him or anything but the only way I'll actually really care about the reason is if he tried to re enter my life. Other than that, he can sail on with Ursula. I don't really need the validation I'm pretty sure I was probably one of the better women he got the opportunity to date so little else really matters I guess.

  5. Hey, I've only misspelled it once!

    And Morgana is not my real name either ;-)

  6. PS, the real name thing was directed at our beloved Francisca (I know your name, Doctor). Yeah, it's unfortunate he was dishonest, or basically just bailed out on you like that. It's hard for me to say he was "wrong" for not picking you, since that is something that is impossible to objectively answer. Human relations are such a tricky issue. There is really no right or wrong. I'm sure you were one of the better girls. I love that you met him at trivia night at a bar, though. I love trivia nights!

  7. I know it's not, Morgana! One day you will have to tell us.

  8. At least you got some nice dates out of the whole ordeal. Some nice moments that were real at the time.


  9. That is how I look at it. It is some valuable experience, for sure.

    Alexis, you should check your e-mail. I sent you one asking about the link of your blog so that I can put it on ours to get you some more visitors. A lot of our readers/writers are for sure film fans. We were actually going to do a film club here once like a year ago. We could always do it again. We were gonna do a director a month and then have discussions about their films.

  10. And I was starting to fall for this person. I still dream about him quite a bit. I'm really a one guy kind of girl and once my shields are down I'm all about that person so even though I wasn't all the way there yet I was still pretty hurt. I certainly cried a couple of nights.

  11. Goodness I haven't updated that blog in forever I've been so busy with work and I hate blogging on my blackberry which is how I post a lot on RT since I am never at home anymore. Let me update it a bit and then I will do just that. I'll make it a priority for this weekend.

  12. Alright, no worries. I suspect that no one goes to the links on the right-hand side anyways, but I figured if you had a blog yourself, it's worth a shot. Makes us look cooler I guess to have more "Comrades."

  13. Why don't people use their real names? I'm sure people have posted more personal stuff than this. I know I have posted very personal stuff just recently, and Edward has especially with his "My Monkey" post. Nothing to be ashamed of.

  14. Ask "Zeus Thundercock" before I axe him for having such a shitty name.

  15. Get off your high horse there buddy

  16. Thanks for sharing, Alexis. I don't have much advice apart from what I've said in the past other than to say you're still a hell of a catch, and as long as you keep a positive mindset the right man will come along. The only way love will not find it's way in is if you close off your heart. You're still young and an awesome person, so don't lose faith!


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