Friday, July 30, 2010

Epic Freaks & Geeks Articles

I really recommend that everyone with any interest at all in Freaks & Geeks reads these articles. IFC seems to be putting Freaks & Geeks back on TV by showing all of the original 18 episodes of the show. Anyone who hasn't watched it should check it out, although I don't know how many people have IFC (I don't think I do). But then again, I own the DVD. I still have one episode left to complete my domination of this puny, one-season show. Suck on it, Apatow and Feig! But that shall be watched soon enough.

In the mean time, I need to catch up to where I am on the show in these articles. Two people give careful analysis to each episode and the respective plights of Sam and Lindsay Weir (does any guy who watches this show not have a crush on Lindsay?). That'd be cool if we did that more often on our blog--I know Daniel agrees with me; I love careful analysis of stuff, as anyone who has read my name commentaries knows by now. I don't think such things should be reserved for school, because at least for me, organized schooling sucks all of the creativity and imagination right out of my mid-sized brain. And such things need not be reserved for high literature or art--I don't see the difference between discussing Brahms or Breaking Bad or whatever else you want to. You can bring just as much intelligence and original thought to anything you want to. Who is to say one is better or more important than the other? Some of us would say that society can say which is more important (I guess this means the majority of people, but does this mean the true majority or the majority of the intellectual establishment?), but again, "some of us" shall remain nameless.


PS: Here is the link!

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