Think about it. We have weapons that can kill hundreds of thousands maybe even millions of people. We have successfully put men on something that is 238,857 miles away floating in space. We can shoot satellites moving at a ridiculous speed right out of the sky. We can grow a new liver from a piece of an old one... you get the point. So why are we still wiping our asses with paper?!?
Paper? Seriously paper? I'm sure most of you can think of more compelling stuff than what is above to signify human achievement and that is exactly my point. We have all this technology and yet we are stuck wiping with a refined bit of tree. Shouldn't there be some sort of robot that gently sucks shit out and then sprays some sort of summer wheat field scent? At the very least I am saying there is no reason to be using this primitive form of cleaning anymore.
Dont even make the argument of a bidet. Water is not the answer and it most certainly is not progress. And progress should not be stifled as a result of the 'Well if it ain't broke, don't fix it' argument.
Make a better way. Do it.
George Kastanza (sp?) would be proud. He went on some kind of rant like this to a not-so-likely-any-more romantic prospect. And I definitely want people to walk into the elevator, look at my guilty face, and go, "Are you a farmer, Mister? Cause something smells like summer wheat."
ReplyDeleteI respectfully moved the offending comment, James Ray.
ReplyDeleteI would like to know another valid and feasible suggestion besides shit sucking robots Jim....
ReplyDeletehaha gracias- Think of other ways Rachel- demolition man suggests the three shells method-
ReplyDeletebecause everyone should remember/know demolition man: