Love Exposure is the most Japanese movie ever made.
What that exactly means is a bit more complex and strange, just like the film itself. Love Exposure, at its base, is a romance. But, it's a romance distilled through the diverse and seemingly incompatable influences of Catholicism, upskirt photography, cross-dressing, cults/brainwashing, coreographed fighting, and graphic violence. Spread out over a seemingly immense 237 minutes, Love Exposure follows the trials and tribulations of Yu Honda, a quiet son of a Priest who seeks out a life of sin to please his father's obsession with them. Yu begins to train to snap photos of girl's panties, not because he finds pleasure in them, but because he wants to commit a sin even his hypocritical father finds reprehensable. Eventually these actions cause Yu to become entangled in the plots of a cult-like group called Zero Church, and fall in love with a man-hating girl named Yoko while he is dressed in drag. The myriad of places the movie eventually go are unexpected, yet surprisingly touching and disturbing in equal turns.

Love Exposure explores religion in a way Japanese films only seem capable of at times. The beauty and dangers of faith are displayed equally, and both serve to further the film's narrative. We see the church become a beacon of hope and light, of comfort and care for our protagonist, then suddenly turned into an instrument of hate and guilt because of the failings of men and women. We see people who use that sense of security to manipulate and harm, and we see people who would wear the mantle of faith to give forgiveness to those who may not deserve it, but because it is expected. We see Yu transform over time as he sees sin as something to collect to impress his distant father, who is also a Catholic Priest struggling with his own weaknesses. But, Yu is never anything other than earnestly trying to find love and acceptance, from his family and from the ideal woman he desperately seeks. But, his earnestness and naivety is turned against him by a damaged young girl who operates a cult in order to hold control over as many lives as possible. She claims to be interested in him, but her own horrible and violent past leads her to show her affections more in the vein of breaking him forever versus love and affection.

The film uses a very crude, yet immediately familiar symbol to show "true love" as it were. Yu is shown to never take any kind of pleasure from the photos he snaps, to the point he admits he has never had an erection. He is told he must "become erect from the heart" and continue his search. And, as to be expected, the presence, or lack thereof, of Yu's erections becomes part of the narrative. To his first one, to his inability to control himself around the one he loves, to the cult's attempts to brainwash it out of him, the states of Yu's arousal becomes a mise en scene for the mood of the character. Even reading it in text makes it seems vulgar and rediculous, which it is in part, but there's an unabashed energy to the film that makes it all seem to fit in. Not to mention the contrast we have between Yu, whose erections are presented as almost innocent and pure, and the abusive, dangerous men in the film that shape our female cast. And, of course, the most graphic scene in the film where one man's erection is removed with a incredibly violent, cringe-inducing moment. You'll know it when you see it. And it will add a very unsettling context to the way one of our characters views men.

When viewed as an whole, it becomes very difficult to classify Love Exposure. It's a tragedy, a romance, a drama, a comedy, even a bit of a horror story. It's a film about a small group of people with repressed, abnormal views on sex, love, religion, and society. It's a film about how love shatters preconceptions, but can also reinforce stereotypes. How belonging to something larger than yourself can divide as often as it unites. And, how sometimes a boner can be the most pure sign of love there can be. There's comedy, depression, cross-dressing, weird insular cultures, and even a rampaging swordsman. So, in other words, the most Japanese film ever made.
Love Exposure is a modern classic, and I would consider it a must-watch for all cinema fans. Be prepared for a long journey, but one that is entirely worth taking. 10/10

Sweet review, Noc. You gave a great analysis of the film without just doing a rehash of the plot. When I review films on here, this is exactly what I want it to be like! Excellent writing, too.
ReplyDeleteThe line that he must have "an erection from the heart" reminds me exactly of a quote from the King James Old Testament (it's used a few times in there), leading me to believe that, however indirectly, this film was influenced by it. The quote is about having true faith: "You must circumcise your heart." Pretty hilarious stuff.
This movie seems to have a ton of ambition, using a "small story" to tackle things as broad as religion, sexuality, and love. But then again, you can tell by a four-hour run-time that it presumably does have big ambition. If not, why even make a four-hour movie? I'm adding to my Netflix queue now.
Awesome fucking post, Nocturna. What a fantastic read. I would have never been easily persauded into sitting through a four hour film... ever. Yet, somehow, I feel the insatiable urge to view this film in its enticing entirety. What caught my initial attention was the opening paragraph's assertion that the thematic portrayal of romance in this film is distilled by the influence of upskirt photography. I mean... what a hook.
ReplyDeleteGoing further, I love the concept of "Love Exposure" attempting to tackle such a diverse and expansive range of plot topics within the context of its seemingly undefinable film genre. I greatly look forward to viewing this for myself and writing a more thorough response.
I'm glad you guys liked it, and I sincerely hope you do watch it. Because no amount of words can fully convey the experience of watching this movie, with it's repeated motifs and heavy use of symbolism the reinforce the dialog and acting. Reflecting on it, now, the movie really should be just the darkest thing ever, yet the emotion that first arises when I think of the movie is mirth. It is just a relentlessly entertaining movie that has a lot to say about culture and religion and love.
ReplyDeleteI put it on my queue, buddy.
ReplyDeleteSo I got around to watching Love Exposure today. You're right--there is really no way to classify this film. It defies any sort of classification, and unlike many (most) Western films, there isn't any sort of easy meaning to draw out of this. I do think the thing at its center is a love story, but of course, that's probably not what is most memorable about this movie.
ReplyDeleteI also agree completely that you describe it as the most JAPANESE of movies. It's interesting that I watched this when I did, because lately I have been rather annoyed by Japanese culture because of its tremendous preoccupation with sexual perversion and guilt and basically everything that is summed up in this movie. It's rare to find a culture that is more repressed than America, but Japan seems to be just it. So for this reason, I was alternately annoyed by and in complete agreement with the film. Why does this phenomenon of sexual perversion/repression even bother me? Maybe it says something about my own sexual insecurities and repression. But in any case, I won't lie, I am pretty annoyed with this element that seems so innate in Japanese culture. (I am rather curious as to the history of Japanese sexual norms, since perhaps this wasn't always innate in their culture. Perhaps they have their own equivalent to our Puritan roots that created the sexual guilt we now view as inherent in American culture.)
But yes, what this movie has most is a kind of relentless, hypnotic energy that does indeed render its four hours into something completely thrilling and unique. At times, the movie's energy and epic scope seemed reminiscent of Boogie Nights (not to mention the multiple dick and pussy references). In the film's darker moments, it seemed almost Orwellian in its nihilism.
I don't think I'm in complete agreement with you however about the film's final aesthetic value. It's an almost impossible film to classify on a numerical scale. On problem I did have was the complete lack of depth of the main character. Everyone else seems to have their various flaws and are shown as being "human" (one of the main themes of the movie) other than Yu. Although this leads me to believe that he is almost some sort of Christ figure himself, which is actually a rather interesting idea and makes me think somewhat more of the film.
Again, a very interesting film, and I'm glad you tipped me off to it, Nocturna.
Fascinating insight into this movie. I've put it on my watch list to look at. Thanks f0r the tip Noct <3