A person is smart, people are stupid. We’ve all heard this before, and in the realm of our “personal” faith, it very much rings true. Organized religion has caused more problems than it has fixed. It has done more harm than good. This isn't specific to organized religion. It could be about anything. Why do we find the need to take a good idea and ruin it?
When people get into more taboo discussions such as politics or religion, one of the first questions people ask is "What are you?" Why do they need to know what little box I would check on an application form? What if I check the "other" box? I can never have a simple answer for them. I can't pull a word out of a hat that completely defines or encompasses what I think or believe. The fact is, not one single person should ever be able to do that. You want to know what I believe? Then go use the bathroom because we are in for a long night. If you can answer with a single word because you see yourself as part of a group, my question for you is why? Spirituality is most personal belief you can have, yet you share it with millions. Have we completely lost the ability to come up with original thought?
People are so terrified of something different that they find the incessant need to label everything and everyone. They are even more fearful of those who they can't label. If you tell somebody that you don't really believe in god, they immediately want to label you as an atheist or an agnostic or some other bullshit. But I'm not those. You need a label? Fine, I belong to the church of Matt DeBruycker, I'm the priest, pastor, imam, and rabbi, I'm the only member, and sorry we aren't looking for more. Does that make you feel better?
I feel perfectly comfortable being the only person that believes what I believe. I don't need to try to convince others that what I believe will change your life. If you believe that you're right, why do you feel the need to push it onto others? Who are you trying to convince? Them or you? I don't start missions or wars to spread the teachings of my beliefs. Are we so scared of being wrong that we need to be around others who believe what we believe to feel more comfortable? Will having more people agree with you make you more right?
So what do you believe?
ReplyDeleteI'm gonna guess people attempt to spread their religion because they believe that it will enlighten others and make them happier.
ReplyDeleteAnd then they kill them if they decide to not become enlightened?
ReplyDeleteI will let someone else tackle that.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, religion can be pretty fucked up, but having spent very little time around actually religious people I can only really react to what shows up on the news and tv, which doesn't give me the greatest perspective to comment intelligently. It's like countries or giant corporations, they're so big that one part of the organization could be destroying the world while lesser publicized groups are providing support and love. Wait a minute, who am I kidding about CORPORATIONS, I'm a liberal! The working man for a corporation is just as evil as the CEO! Does all of this this translate over? Is the follower of an insane religion just as crazy as the leader? As a lover of Beck, I have to preserve my hopes that he is not as radical as the Scientologists he follows, as he quoted in a wikipedia article (credible right?), but whatever, I could not not love him regardless.
ReplyDeleteI think he just got raised as a Scientologist, much as Jim was raised as a Catholic, and like Jim has said, that really does shape a lot of your beliefs for the rest of your life.
ReplyDeleteYeah that makes sense with his comment about the religion, saying people just think about the crazy bullshit and not about the values, which are the same as all other religions. (background music queues in) The more you know!
ReplyDeleteFirst of all- Person(s) are stupid. I know TONS of dumb individuals- So you're the church of Matt DeBruycker- - what does that even mean? You have your own beliefs? okay. I've been around the world with religious groups that are part of organizations and i've seen nothing but good deeds being done. These people experience something and find a peace then set out to do good for others and expand their religion so that others will follow in suit. The whole point of Christianity is to spread salvation and it's a little difficult to spread salvation if youre sitting on your ass and keeping your beliefs to yourself.
ReplyDeleteYou believe what you believe. Fine. But for you to come out and say that people who try to spread their religion and spirituality are 'scared of being wrong' and start wars etc etc is pretty bold and arrogant. Person(s) start wars- even when the Crusades were going on PERSON(s) using religion started wars. The whole point of organized religion (and I can only speak for Christianity) is to lessen the pain on this earth. Churches aren't going out there and sanctioning abortion clinic bombings- individuals do that. Atheists push their beliefs on others just as much as religious folk do.
Religious organizations are places where people who share similar beliefs can go and worship and fellowship just as friends who share the same interests do - come on Matt-
Happy bday