Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Edward's Top Xbox Games

I got an Xbox late--I had owned a PS2 for three or four years. I got it because James, Daniel, and I (and someone else...who?) were going to start a Halo team complete with headbands and matching outfits/team "moves." I wanted to practice the game, and it took me many years to realize that no matter how much I played the one-player mode by myself, even if I got to Legendary, that it would never make me good at multiplayer. I was never really one to get that into Halo's multiplayer--mostly just because I was so far behind, so whenever I played, I just got slaughtered and it was no fun--so I never really got that into the worship of these games like others did. However, I'm not stupid enough to not include them on my list of the top 10 Xbox games (not ranked). Regardless, unlike almost every other Xbox owner on the planet, those two games do not comprise my fondest memories of this cold, intimidating black box. (No order, just the same as the N64 list.)

-Ninja Gaiden (completely epic and lengthy, ridiculously challenging yet satisfying, I loved all the environments and it was vast and full of places to explore almost like a GTA or Jak-type game)
-Half-Life 2 (not quite as memorable as Half-Life the original, but this was probably as gripping and cinematic as any game I've ever played)
-Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (probably the first and only RPG I've ever beaten, this is pure-awesome in itself just for being a good Star Wars game--it has a good story, great characters--like the droid that calls humans "meat-bags"--and it's just quality)
-Burnout 3: Takedown (the purest distillation of an adrenaline rush I've ever seen in a game--also, it let you listen to your own music, which only added to the near-perfection of this game)
-TimeSplitters: Future Perfect (outside of the Guitar Hero series, which doesn't even count because of my level of addictedness to those games, this is probably the game I've put the most hours into--I don't care how much "real shooter fans" would probably say it sucks, the cartooniness and the humor and the pure joy of this game is a revelation)
-Far Cry: Instincts (a surprise vote, this never would have made the list after I beat its single player campaign, which is supposedly the best part of the game, but after we played multiplayer in it, I have to include it--I fucking love the multiplayer)
-Halo: Combat Evolved (enough has been said about this; I'm not as big of a fan as others, but this is undoubtedly because I missed out on the multiplayer craze [I tend to miss out on popular things], but you have to give this game the respect it deserves)
-Halo 2 (do I want to put this on here? Not really, but I apparently didn't have that many Xbox games I was into, or at least that I can remember)
-Fatal Frame (scariest game ever, do not question this or let anyone sway you otherwise)
-Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (Daniel's signature series, this was a solid action-adventure game with a storyline twist at the end that I kinda forget, but I'm pretty sure implied that all of the previous events didn't actually happen)

Honorable mentions:
-Burnout Revenge (were this a standalone game, I'm sure I would have loved it, but it happened to come after the best racer of all time, so it was a bit of a let-down)
Fuck if I know what else?


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