This is a list I made back in January and e-mailed to a few close friends (if you didn't get this e-mail, consider yourself shunned). I have not played any more Nintendo 64 games since then, so I will just copy it onto here. It is not ranked. And by the way, no, I have never played Conker's Bad Fury Day before. Sorry. :(
-Banjo-Kazooie (top position shows my respect for this beast--no matter how much Ryan complains, let's be honest, this game had the best soundtrack of all time, both the music and sound effects)
-Super Mario 64 (best pure platformer of all time)
-The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time (best pure adventure game of all time)
-Perfect Dark (this has the best pre-online multiplayer of any shooter ever, don't ever question this, TimeSplitters is the spiritual descendant of this game)
-GoldenEye (just like I secretly liked the multiplayer in Red Faction and Far Cry, this secretly had the best one-player around for shooters...sure beat Turok, no offense)
-Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire (perhaps becuase of its early release, this game had some sort of mysterious grandeur about it, but I will always love it despite the gameplay not particularly standing out--the cheat where you would spin the controller stick around a lot of times and play as a wampa in the ice level shows how good cheats used to be and how downhill gaming has gone since)
-Star Wars Episode I: Pod Racer (one of the earlier games that we got hopelessly addicted to)
-Turok: Rage Wars (beat out Mario Kart 64 to make this list [note: Mario Kart now makes the list--Donkey Kong 64 got booted off...why would I ever pick that game over Mario Kart?], this was a fine replacement for Perfect Dark in terms of having endless multiplayer modes and a lot of depth in terms of going through one-player challenges, plus some great bad guys--this is perhaps the single most underrated game of all time and one day we should break it out somehow, somewhere)
-Diddy Kong Racing (interesting that they never released a sequel to this, I thought it was pretty succesful and better than its rival Mario Kart, for this had more depth and a much more interesting one-player game, as well as a chicken or turkey that was amazing in the hoverboat thing but no other vehicles)
-Mario Kart 64 (a rarity in that it was a game we were more into before we owned it rather than after, pure early multiplayer goodness)
Honorable mentions:
-Donkey Kong 64 (great? almost)
-Banjo-Tooie (a huge game to live up to, it increased the scope of its predecessor but lost something of the charm of the orginal's levels and storyline [who didn't want to save the female bear?])
-Nagano Winter Olympics (don't tell me you didn't love this game)
-Kobe Bryant NBA Courtside (an early game that wasn't actually good, but sufficed until NBA Street came along)
-FIFA Road to World Cup 98 (good I guess?)
-Mortal Kombat Trilogy (did I play this much? I doubt it, but it had the most Mortal Kombat characters of any of that original set before Mortal Kombat 4 when they switched everything up with new characters without cool backstories or mystery, which the ninjas of the original series had in spades)
-Turok: Dinosaur Hunter (this is perhaps the game with the biggest weaponry of all time: it could boast a gun that was only the 3rd most powerful but that could splinter all of reality within eyesight, which was albeit pretty small, considering how much fog was in this game, but a true classic early game and probably the N64's first [and greatest?] shooter)
-Turok 2: Seeds of Evil (while the original boasted big guns, this boasted big gore and big levels; Turok did all things in terms of size, not in terms of quality, which made them awesome)
-The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (let's be honest, this is easily better than at least most of these honorable mentions; one day I will beat it)
-Star Wars: Rogue Squadron (stupid and amazing at the same time, was the first level on Tatooine? with womp rats? Haha, this was easily better than its GameCube sequel)
-Tony Hawk Pro Skater (foreshadowed the greatness of the third game [and supposedly the second which I only played once in some handheld version] and was a solid entry in the series--us N64 players probably didn't have as good controls as the PS1 players did, where the game rightly belongs)
-Shadow Man (boasting perhaps the best line of dialogue in any video game ever, this didn't have too much else to offer, other than "mature content," which was otherwise lacking on the family-run Japanese madhouse that was the N64)
-1080 Snowboarding (how could I forget this until now? Again, like Kobe Bryant, this was a solid entry that held us over until the PS2 really delivered the goods, in the form of NBA Street and SSX: Tricky, both games that were what we really wanted to play when we spent our time playing Kobe and 1080)
-Mission: Impossible (just look at how many N64 games that I've put down already and it shows the amount of greatness on this system, either that or just how many games our parents got us that we could play--this was a fine, fine game)
-Gex 64 (haha, this got a 4.7 or something on GameSpot; I won't lie and say it deserves better, somehow this has some sort of nostalgic appeal for me)
-Toy Story 64 (I owned this? Haha, great great game)
-Armorines: Project S.W.A.R.M. (really starting to push it in terms of honorable mentions, this gets on here for its early co-op and astonishing badness)
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