Sunday, January 30, 2011

oh hello

i dont know really what to write about. all i know is that i am in bed and i dont want to go to sleep. i guess ill just give a run down on my life.

I am what the native americans referred to as "high strung." there are a lot of situations in my life where i can not calm down. I am impatient and love a quick fix. I obsess. I want my life to speed right to the point where i am married and have some little kids. weird, huh? I let girls take advantage of me because i treat them (the ones i like) like they are the only person in the world.

I worry.

I have never really enjoyed the party scene, but would much rather spend my time with hanging out/drinking with friends where there are no forced conversations- no douchebag who doesnt give a fuck who you are unless you are some "hoe" who is gonna go home with him- no chick who is too good for you and thinks a 'hello' means i want to get into your pants.

I never realize how good i have it. my life is probably better than at least 5.5 billion people. and as much as my life is shitty right now, it's still amazing- and i am provided for. It's always a comfort to look at it that way, even though i rarely think like that.

I am selfish. we all live in our little worlds- and believe me mine is all about me. Though i wish it wasnt.

I talk too much. i think that goes along with the worry and the obsessing. i cant make a fucking decision without discussing all possible angles with friends- and then re-discussing it. I know thats annoying, but i cant stop and that needs to change- i have to find some sort of strength- some reliance on myself. so far it has yet to be found. I am too honest. I am an open book, which is such a bad thing. There is no mystery to me because i tell you how i feel when i feel it.

i dont know why i am writing this- i guess i am having problems with a girl and am looking at myself. I know i am a good person- and if this chick cant see that- if she cant see that she would be lucky to have me then whatever. someone else will- i am who i am and whats written above is me. I just need to accept and embrace it.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Swimming in Tracks: Silver Soul

In an effort to divert my addiction of posting songs on facebook into a more productive arena, I'll just throw them here with some thoughts. This song I think I heard on my tour of Bethesda when I was doing "on-site" work with this guy Joe from Boston. Basically, we were counting people's light bulbs and surveying them about global warming; an interesting trip no doubt. One of the big highlights of the trip though, was having a rental car with satellite radio. We found the indie station and let it ride for the rest of the trip. I ended up jotting down song titles and band names on the back of a receipt in order to collect them back home in my youtube playlists. This particular one came into my mind today again for no particular reason; maybe because this Friday is somewhat of a dream after a weird work-at-home Thursday and a stranger drink-alone-Wednesday night. And Beach House, the band, is great from all the songs I've heard by them. So here we go:

Beach House, "Silver Soul"

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Town Drunk

Is there anything sadder than drinking alone? Blogging about it would probably trump it.

Anywho, why do people fear being alone? And then why do people fear drinking alone? Where do these stereotypes of desperation and pathetic conditions come from? Alcoholics, maybe? Could it be our society's addiction to alcohol as the bonafide social drug of all time? Perhaps.

So you drink yourself stupid and silly until you end up doing childish, terrible, and even inhumane (literal meaning here, "not human") things with your gang of roustabouts, but the moment you leave them and pop open a bruskie with just your lonesome, now you're a low life. Beforehand, when you were puking on someone's front steps while your friends chanted, you were a king, but it's only now that your alone is when you're a loser. All right, maybe you were a loser with your friends too, but somehow not as pathetic, somehow more justified. Is that why it's so easy to get away with shitty things in groups (think war, or worse)?

Loners get shit on. Why? Because they have the gall to exist without someone next to them for support/blame. How pretentious. Either that or, How sad. I guess it depends on how they find out you're a loner. If it's because you convey to people that you spent some insurmountable time alone and then told everyone how great it was, you'll be a Thoreau-type loner. One who hides then comes out screaming about how hidden they were.

Or they came upon you alone. You told no one, you were minding your own business, and then they barge in and demand via text, email, phone, or face, that you participate with the Group. This is the perceived-to-be-tortured-type loner. You may very well be fine, if not very pleased to be alone, but that's not possible in laws of physics of (western) society. If you're meditating, then it's bound to be a part of some homework regiment for a pilates class or perhaps it's servitude in seclusion.

That's another important note, solitary confinement. The hole. The ultimate punishment in all (Hollywood) jails (don't know about the real ones) is solitary confinement. This goes a bit deeper, because it's not just about being alone, it's being forced to be alone. It's being cut off rather than wandered off. It's not exactly what you call on your terms. They're trying to eclipse any knowledge you have of existence, without actually cutting you off from your existence. That's pretty sick. However, in such a time as now, or, the digital age, (everyone go, "ooooooooo"), forced seclusion vs. incidental seclusion is a good contrast to use in finding out what people really fear about being alone (assuming they do fear it of course).

I can bet that around you right now are at least two other things that could occupy you, whether music, texting, gchatting, facebook/Internet, TV, movie, or physical people talking to you, there is probably something readily available for you to switch to the second you blink away from this screen. And if not, you could access them within seconds. We live immersed in mediums. We are swimming in them, often oblivious to how many there actually are. So being alone, to us, to our culture, our society, our what-have-you, is rather like getting out of the pool with no towel and standing there, shivering.

It's an endangered species, time alone. Rare, strange, and alluring. Is it natural selection that has picked it off, or just because it's such a good target (intentional selection)? What even counts as being alone? The internet tends to bleed the once certain boundaries of this all over the place.

If you're playing solitaire on your computer, you're alone. If you're browsing through websites, you're alone. If you're reading emails or browsing through forum or blog posts, you're alone, but you're listening to the thoughts of other people. If you're talking on the forums, sending out emails, commenting on some video, or even posting on a blog(!), then you're alone and what, calling out in the dark? If you're "chatting" with someone online, then you're still technically alone, but you're finally in touch with someone; there is a seemingly conscious connection between you and another person(s), which is distinguishable from the disjointed repeated replies in email or facebook messaging. Beyond that is an actual phone call, dare I say videophone call, and even holographic calling (yeah?). But still, somehow, you're technically alone through all of that. Only when you are in the presence of someone else without a physical/digital/Pink Floyd wall in between you two, are you not alone. Seems like with all the texting and chatting and shit, we're still alone just as often as we were before the technology came along. In fact, we may be alone even more often because we inevitably end up staying at our computers longer while talking to people online instead of in person. And yet, there's an unnerving feeling that we're all more "in touch" with people than ever before.

The truth is, everyone is alone (naturally). And the other truth is, this is not a bad thing. It's not even a good thing. It's just a thing. We've created the perceptions surrounding it to conclude whether it's good or bad, and I think the perceptions have lost touch with what it means to be alone and to be with others.

I would say it is in our nature to be drawn to other people, to not want to be alone, and to feel better when it's confirmed that other people feel this too. In this sense there may be a natural fear of being alone. But just like any fear, there is something deeper within the actual feared entity than the fear itself. At a primal level, at an existential level, sitting alone (even at a computer) is peace.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Hangover Scale

Just had to post the scale that inspired Daniel's Chamberlin Offensiveness Scale. Keep in mind I did not come up with this. I fucking wish I did because it's hilarious:


1 star hangover *
No pain. No real feeling of illness. You slept in your own bed and when you woke up there were no traffic cones in there with you. You are still able to function relatively well on the energy stored up from all those vodka redbulls. However, you can drink 10 bottles of water and still feel as parched as the Sahara. Even vegetarians are craving a Cheeseburger and a side of fries.

2 star hangover * *

No pain, but something is definitely amiss. You may look okay but you have the attention span and mental capacity of a stapler. The coffee you hug to try and remain focused is only exacerbating your rumbling gut, which is craving a full English breakfast. Although you have a nice demeanour about the office, you are costing your employer valuable money because all you really can handle is some light filing, followed by aimlessly surfing the net and writing junk e-mails.

3 star hangover * * *

Slight headache. Stomach feels crap. You are definitely a space cadet and not so productive. Anytime a girl or lad walks by you gag because his/her perfume/aftershave reminds you of the random gin shots you did with your alcoholic friends after the bouncer kicked you out at 1:45 a.m. Life would be better right now if you were in your bed with a dozen doughnuts and a litre of coke watching daytime TV. You've had 4 cups of coffee, a gallon of water, 2 Sausage Rolls and a litre of diet coke yet you haven't peed once.

4 star hangover * * * *

You have lost the will to live. Your head is throbbing and you can't speak too quickly or else you might spew. Your boss has already lambasted you for being late and has given you a lecture for reeking of booze. You are wearing nice clothes, but you smell of socks, and you can't hide the fact that you either missed an oh-so crucial spot shaving or it looks like you put your make-up on while riding the dodgems (depending on your gender).

Your teeth have their own individual sweaters. Your eyes look like one big vein and your hairstyle makes you look like a reject from the second-grade class picture circa 1976. You would give a weeks pay for one of the following : Home time, doughnut and somewhere to be alone or a time machine so you could go back and NOT have gone out the night before. You scare small children in the street just by walking past them.

5 star hangover * * * * *

You have a second heartbeat in your head, which is actually annoying the employee who sits next to you. Vodka vapour is seeping out of every pore and making you dizzy. You still have toothpaste crust in the corners of your mouth from brushing your teeth. Your body has lost the ability to generate saliva, so your tongue is suffocating you. You'd cry but that would take the last of the moisture left in your body. Death seems pretty good right now.

Your boss doesn't even get mad at you and your co-workers think that your dog just died because you look so pathetic. You should have called in sick because, let's face it, all you can manage to do is breathe .......very gently.

6 star hangover * * * * * *

You arrive home and climb into bed. Sleep comes instantly, as you were fighting it all the way home in the taxi. You get about 2 hours sleep until the noises inside your head wake you up. You notice that your bed has been cleared for take off and is flying relentlessly around the room. No matter what you do you know you're going to chuck. You stumble out of bed and now find that your room is in a yacht under full sail. After walking along the skirting boards on alternating walls knocking off all the pictures, you find the toilet. If you are lucky you will remember to lift the lid before you spontaneously explode and wake the whole house up with your impersonation of walrus mating calls. You sit there on the floor in your undies, cuddling the only friend in the world you have left (the toilet), randomly continuing to make the walrus noises, spitting, and farting. Help usually comes at this stage, even if it is short lived. Tears stream down your face and your abdomen hurts. Help now turns into abuse and he/she usually goes back to bed leaving you there in the dark. With your stomach totally empty, your spontaneous eruptions have died back to 15-minute intervals, but your body won't relent. You are convinced that you are starting to turn yourself inside out and swear that you saw your tonsils projectile out your mouth on the last occasion. It is now dawn and you pass your disgusted partner getting up for the day as you try to climb into bed. She/He abuses you again for trying to get into bed with lumpy bits of dried vomit in your hair. You reluctantly accept their advice and have a shower in exchange for them driving you to the hospital. Work is not an option.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Chamberlin Offensiveness Scale

(1 being the least offensive and 10 being the most offensive)

1: The music seems to be louder than necessary, the beverages include an obscure beer and overpriced mixed drinks, and no one is particularly that memorable. It's also getting more crowded by the minute. You are vaguely apprehensive and have been sidling toward the door for the last half hour without even realizing it.
2: The family event has grown tiresome after a couple hours, but you know you're supposed to hang around at the table. The conversation is relatively banal, mostly about jobs and projects around the house. No one has said a bad word all day or even mentioned a topic that might stir up some controversy.
3: After finishing a long and thorough post on the Iliad on an esteemed literature blog, you refresh the page and notice a response from user with a name you don't recognize. Their response is immediately annoying to you for being only one line long and filled with typos and capitalization errors when identifying characters and places in the story. They ask you to summarize in a couple sentences the overall theme of the Iliad, noting that the Cliff Notes version has been copied so many times and it would help to get a unique take on it all. Apparently, they've got a big essay due in a few hours and have decided to stain the forum with their ugly desperation.
4: Of the many technological and hip things, gchat says messages were not received when they are, Youtube lacks a button to keep a song on repeat, and Netflix expires movies on the Instant Stream without warning. Roped into here is when people say, "Happy Birthday" to you on your Facebook wall, even though they never see you, don't know you're birthday, and you probably will never speak to them again. Uno mas; people clicking "Like" on anything that moves on the Facebook feed. Actually dos mas; statuses about all men being boys, name-dropping random celebrities, and about how bored you are that you're driven to writing a status and spill all that boredom on everyone else. Finally, deleting/untagging things, although you admit that it is necessary in some of the most extreme times, just not all the time.
5: You flip the dial on the car radio and your ears are given a quick douse of Boston's "Peace of Mind". You desperately change the station to hear, "Free Fallin'", then try to flip it once more to hear, "Life in the Fast Lane". You pass out from exhaustion at these songs as the car drifts into a ditch.
6: You show up to work and are given crap for your car looking like an senior citizen's (because that's who you got the car from in your family and for free) and your clothes for not exactly matching colors. Coworkers look at you funny when you open a bag of expired chips and began to eat. They appear to envy your youth while simultaneously being disgusted with your lack of concern for the little but important things in life.
7: The frozen food item that you've purchased reads on the box, "Serves 3 to 4 People". You pop it in, throw it on your plate, and gobble it down within a minute and 47 seconds. You feel somehow even hungrier than you did before, and the many digit number of calories is staring at you from the back of the box. How could such things ever make you full? Ten minutes and the cabinet's remaining stash of snacks you had bought for the week's lunches later, you are bloated and curled up on the couch cursing the societal norms of food volumes and prices.
8: You are given shit for not knowing anything practical and/or manly. "How come you can't talk about sports with us. Do you not like it? Wanna go dismantle the truck and put it back together just for the hell of it?"
9: A great body of work, series, and/or school of thought as well as the community and culture that went with it, eventually gives way to newcomers who spit on the past, push for increasingly superficial changes to the old system, and all but destroy what was once pure and good, all the while having not even the slightest knowledge or care of what they've done and what has happened.
10: Self-unawareness.

Off the scale: See the comment on this post by ctrl+F for "Joe's Crab Shack".

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Major Points of 2010

Here are the good, bad, and ridiculous things that shaped my year.

February 11 2010: My boss and professor went missing.
February 25 2010: I was attacked by a demon.
April 13 2010: I had a luau.
April 20 2010: I celebrated well.
May 3 2010: I started dating my current boyfriend.
May 15 2010: I graduated from college.

You know, the usual.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Top 21 Movies I Saw in 2010 (as opposed to movies that came out in 2010)

To take a self-centered look back on 2010, I'm going to list in no particular order, the top twenty one movies I saw in 2010 for the first time... Yes, the first time - stop giving me shit already! (Kurt); and there's 21 because I didn't really feel like cutting any out:

1. Deer Hunter
2. The Godfather
3. Saturday Night Fever
4. Blood Simple
5. 127 Hours
6. Toy Story 2
7. Inception
8. Bad Lieutenant
9. Fantastic Mr. Fox
10. The Social Network
11. Fargo
12. Barton Fink
13. Blue Velvet
14. The Secret of Kells
15. Apocalypse Now
16. Alien
17. Spirited Away
18. Blade Runner
19. The New World
20. Raising Arizona
21. Man on Wire

Honorable mentions: The Fall, Walk Hard, Deep Cover, Beetle Juice, Revenge of the Nerds, True Lies, (500) Days of Summer, Due Date, Kick-Ass, I Love You Man, Harry Potter: the Prisoner of Azkaban, Monsters, Inc., Falling Down

Friday, January 7, 2011

just want to say....2011

i am so glad 2011 has brought an end to edward's endless beatles posts!

i do hope that it brings ed a promotion. congrats dude!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Inseparable Characters from their Actors

Not that I know what the theme is for this month, nor does it matter! for this post, but I was watching me some Midsummer Night's Dream, the film adaptation made in 1999 with a big cast; Kevin Kline, Michelle Pfeiffer, Rupert Everett, Stanley Tucci, Calista Flockhart, Anna Friel, Christian Bale, Dominic West (McNulty!), David Strathairn, Sophie Marceau, Sam Rockwell, and I was trying to see Christian Bale as not the psycho of American Psycho. I try to do this in most of the movies I see him in to see if I can see something else other than deranged anger, rage, hysteria, and trouble in his eyes. It's very hard to do that, especially when a lot of his characters since that movie include hyper male or hyper crazy people (Batman Begins/Dark Knight, Terminator 4, Prestige, ... well those mainly I guess because I haven't seen the Fighter). But for a few moments in this movie you can see him look in a slightly different light, even though really he's still the psycho. I'd like to see Newsies to really test this. This got me thinking, what other characters are nearly impossible to separate from their actors when you see the actors in anything else?

We've established Christian Bale in American Psycho. I might try combining Indiana Jones and Han Solo into one super character that will never leave Harrison Ford. Jeff Daniels is pretty much forever Harry Dunne in Dumb and Dumber. Please provide more as I hit a wall in thinking of them, but I'll comment forever!