Friday, January 28, 2011

Swimming in Tracks: Silver Soul

In an effort to divert my addiction of posting songs on facebook into a more productive arena, I'll just throw them here with some thoughts. This song I think I heard on my tour of Bethesda when I was doing "on-site" work with this guy Joe from Boston. Basically, we were counting people's light bulbs and surveying them about global warming; an interesting trip no doubt. One of the big highlights of the trip though, was having a rental car with satellite radio. We found the indie station and let it ride for the rest of the trip. I ended up jotting down song titles and band names on the back of a receipt in order to collect them back home in my youtube playlists. This particular one came into my mind today again for no particular reason; maybe because this Friday is somewhat of a dream after a weird work-at-home Thursday and a stranger drink-alone-Wednesday night. And Beach House, the band, is great from all the songs I've heard by them. So here we go:

Beach House, "Silver Soul"


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