Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Is There Love After Armageddon?

Earlier in the month I wrote a post about trying to justify the present time as a post-apocalyptic setting. It started out as a way to pretty much avoid the topic, and then it slid into becoming just an extremely depressing train-wreck, which made me want to push it even farther the more I saw myself sliding out of control, because it was funny and/or extremely depressing either of which I thought were reason enough for it to be blogged. Yeah, I don't really know where I was going with that. But here's a post about the actual idea of a future post-apocalypse!

In a way I think some sort of post-apocalyptic setting would be refreshing in the same way it seems refreshing to think of jumping into the Arctic Sea and think of spending the rest of your days there. Basically, it would completely suck to live in a burned down world/one taken over by killer machine-zombie-earwigs/waterworld mostly because you would likely be separated from people you would know and like and love. I mean it would suck eeking your way to food, shelter, and water, but assuming that you were surviving in the after world then the instant you have a second to think, it would probably depress the shit out of you that anyone around you is probably miles away, and if you do find them, they'll try to kill you for food or just out of madness. There's not really any room for those people that pick you up. But maybe you could find some randos to befriend, who you'd probably never even speak to if life was the way it was. I feel like a freakish afterworld would bring a shit ton of people together actually regardless of their apparent differences.

Most appearances of the world or society rather, in the post-world show an obscenely bleak picture. This is probably true on the whole, but I almost suspect our immense loneliness and whatever compassion we'd have left at that point might cause us to seek out people after some time regardless of resources. These relationships would probably incredibly unstable because of the conditions, but sofar that people can survive I feel like they would want company at least to travel around the desolate regions with. Granted you'd have your soul-depleted loners and human-turned-animals, but on a one on one basis, if you've established that these people are not out to get you for the most part AND you're not in some sort of Andes-Mountains-people-eating-people-to-stay-alive situation, then I think there might be a chance for companionship in the after-world. If not, uh, you're fucked (I'd opt for becoming an animal-like human).


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