Saturday, December 18, 2010

White kid's music: Eminem

The first time I can remember listening to Eminem was driving with my just of age sister, Katie, to a neighbor's house. We were in the car and listening to music when "The Real Slim Shady" came on. I'll admit, it didn't grab me, but my sister somehow knew all the words and that made it cool to me.

The next thing I can remember was coming home after school and sneaking some t.v. time (which in those days was always MTV). "Stan" was the featured song. I will admit again that the song wasn't the first thing I noticed. No, I noticed that the dude playing Stan was the guy from the movie Casper. I guess I am trying to say that I don't remember the first time I really got into Eminem-like it wasn't some see the light moment. It just seems like I had always been into him.

I do know that he was my favorite artist in high school. I pirated his albums and listened to the songs repeatedly. I could rap all the lyrics, though in those days I replaced 'fuck' or 'bitch' with F or B. I would tenaciously argue anyone that he was a genius and was better than anybody else. I still think the man is a genius and I still think he is better than everybody else ( in the rapper world). I mean the dude can rhyme ANYTHING come on!

My life hasn't been hard, but saying that doesn't mean I haven't fallen on a few hard times- I've always put his stuff on. He mixes anger with sadness with humor to form a web of music that can get you through any difficult time. Look past all his misogynistic tendencies and he really does strike a chord with any sort of mood you're in.

Sorry- I get bored writing all this stuff and I don't organize my thoughts well. I'll try to post some more about this. There are so many songs I can write about. But just know that the dude keeps rapping, and keeps making awesome music- maybe not the same as his earlier stuff (which I loved everything), but he hits some spots in all of us- and if it's not your emotions its probably because you are a girl and he is hitting you in the face- cause he fucking hates women


  1. The "Stan" guy is the human version of Casper? Or was it someone else from that movie? Every single girl ever had a crush on the human Casper. Fact of life. "Stan" is my favorite rap song from 2000 forward (not that I'm exactly an aficionado on the subject).

    I really want to get his first two albums. I like Eminem when he gets personal and serious, mixing the anger and the sadness like you said. And I definitely know at least some girls that liked him a lot.

  2. Eminem is a genius, and always a had a really good sense of humor about how MTV and the media tried to portray him and everything else, especially around the Britney Spears era. He also had/has a lot of shit that he's mulling over constantly and is one of the best at getting it all out in rhyme. Plus, I like that his style is so unique to him- as it's hard to pull off rapping an Eminem song if you're not him because of his timing and almost off-rhythm. I once joined a friend in a Karaoke of "Lose Yourself". We failed miserably.

    And it makes sense I guess that Stan was that kid in that he looked like him a lot. Awesome career choices by him.

    And I wish we had some people more up to date on rap for 2000 onward to give some other nominations for best rap after the millenium (or Willenium if you prefer)

  3. Perhaps the guys from Outkast or Jay-Z. Not sure who else.

  4. eminem makes my dick hard

  5. so i feel really old that the first time you heard eminem was the real slim shady. i remember hearing my name is back in like 97, when i was a sophomore in hs. i guess that would explain why you were replacing bitch with b and fuck with f (which i still feel defeats the purpose, but to each his own).

    eminem is one of my favorites by far! very very talented and intelligent rhymes. his old stuff is definitely my favorite. i remember sitting outside coconuts (you guys are probably too young to know what that is) to buy his second album. i listened to that thing over and over and over. i actually pirated his new album and its pretty good too. "But you lied again, now you get to watch her leave out the window, guess thats why they call it window pane." is just brilliant.

    ive seen him live twice, both of which were amazing. im hoping that now that he is sober he will go back on tour.

  6. as for ed's comment, yes, jay-z is very talented, as are outkast. these happen to be my other two favorite hip hop artist/group. kanye was really good when he first came out, but now he is just a douchebag.

  7. Didn't his first (major label) album come out in '99? Oh, and believe me, we fucking knew about Coconuts. Daniel can back me up on this. Everyone says Kanye's album is really good, meaing critics say that. I don't know anyone who has it personally. I do like "Love the Way You Lie," although I think his rapping was still better in the day.


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